Saturday 15 August 2015

How To Change Your Android Phone IMEI To Blackberry IMEI


The fun thing about android is that you can tweak it almost any way you want. Android users can now use the GLO BIS plan just by changing their android phone IMEI to that of a blackberry.
To change your android phone IMEI, your android device has to be rooted.
Go here to see how to root your android device if you haven't done so.

First of all, you need to generate a blackberry IMEI to use on your android. Generating a blackberry IMEI is quite simple. All you need do is to download bbgen apk for android to generate your blackberry IMEI.
Download bbgen apk from here.
Run the apk on your android device to generate blackberry IMEI

Steps To Change Android IMEI to Blackberry

  1. backup your Android phone using ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) should in case it get bricked. - See more at:
    Root your android phone Go here to see how to root your android phone if you haven't rooted it yet. 
  2. Before you begin changing the IMEI, backup your android phone using clockworkmod Recovery in case your android phone gets bricked.
  3. Download terminal emulator for android from google play store 
  4. Open the terminal emulator.
  5. . Download Terminal Emulator from Play Store
    3. Open Android Terminal Emulator
    4. Type SU then press ENTER button to get Superuser permmison
    3. After that, type this command then press ENTER buttonecho ‘AT+EGMR=1,7,”IMEI_NUMBER”‘ >/dev/pttycmd1
    or echo AT+EGMR=1*7*IMEI_1 >/dev/pttycmd1 - See more at:
    Type SU then press ENTER button to get superuser permission
  6. For single sim phones type this command then press ENTER         echo AT+EGMR=1*7*IMEI_1 >/dev/pttycmd1
  7. For dual sim phones type this command and press enter  echo ‘AT+EGMR=1,10, “IMEI_NUMBER” ‘ >/dev/pttycmd1
  8. Reboot your android and that is all. You have successfully changed your android phone IMEI
    echo AT+EGMR=1*7*IMEI_1 >/dev/pttycmd1
    backup your Android phone using ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) should in case it get bricked. - See more at:
    backup your Android phone using ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) should in case it get bricked. - See more at:
    backup your Android phone using ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) should in case it get bricked. - See more at:
    backup your Android phone using ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) should in case it get bricked. - See more at:

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